The following opportunities exist to serve to prep for the Back to School BASH the week of July 8th.     If you are interested in serving, click the signup links below:

Tuesday 7/9/19:

  • Time:  9:30am
  • Where: Mooresville Middle School
  • What
    • Move elementary into appropriate rooms
    • Unpack school supplies
    • Sort 
    • Fold and sort clothes 
    • Sort for appropriate ages
    • Boy/Girl 
    • Sizes 
    • Count shoes for each size 
    • School Supplies
    • Clothes
    • Books 
    • Shoes
  • Duration: 2-3 hours



Wednesday 7/10/19:

  • Time: 9:30 am
  • Where: Mooresville Middle School
  • What:
    • Set up tables 
    • Put out table cloths 
    • Set out bookbags on tables
    • Take all old boxes and cardboard and break them down and put them in the dumpster
    • Bookbags
    • Cardboard clean up 
  • Duration: 2-3 hours


Thursday 7/11/19:

  • Time: 9:30am
  • Where: Mooresville Middle School
  • What:
    • Finish sorting 
    • Set out tables in the hallway for SS distribution 
    • Clothes
    • Tables
    • Unload water 
  • Duration: 3-4 hours


Friday 7/12/19:

  • Time: 9:30am
  • Where: Mooresville Middle School
  • What:
    • Take 8 lunch tables to the gym and set out for foot washing
    • Hang up curtains in gym
    • Decorate Gym
    • Put out all table cloths
    • Put SS out distributed on tables 
    • Shoes/Gym
    • Move all carts/buggies/transportation things into room 120 (Staff Development Room)
    • Decorate
  • Duration: 4-5 hours